The Universities of Bern and Zurich are organising the fifth SISA workshop (2024) in Muotathal (Canton Schwyz).This year’s SISA will focus on alpine landscapes, geology, “old school” and “modern” prospection and excavation methods as well as social and economic systems over time in a subalpine region. It comprises invited keynote speakers for specific topics as well as the teaching of methods, applications and models. Lectures and practical fieldwork will take place in an archaeologically promising region in central Switzerland. Please note that we will be in a subalpine setting (800-1,200 metres above sea level); appropriate equipment and physical fitness are required.
- Geology
- Resources: chalk, milk, lithics
- The Mesolithic
- Diachronic landscape
02.09.: Arrival of participants, workshop I
03.09. / 04.09 / 05.09. / 06.09.: Excursions I and II, fieldwork I and II, workshop II
07.09.: Departure of participants
Invited speakers:
• Donat Fulda, ETH Zürich (CH)
• Jochen Reinhard, Kantonsarchäologie Zug (CH)
• Thomas Bachnetzer, University of Innsbruck (A)
• Jean Nicolas Haas, University of Innsbruck (A)
• Ursula Wierer, La Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana (I)
• Ralf Jacober, Martina Kälin and Valentin Kessler, Staatsarchiv Schwyz (CH)
PhD and advanced MA with special interest in mountain, landscape and environmental archaeology
Moutathal, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
2nd to 7th September 2024
Hüttenhotel Husky Lodge, Balm 40, CH-6436 Muotathal (Meals included, drinks additional)
Application deadline:
Please send your CV and a short cover letter by the 15th of May 2024.
Participation fee:
200 CHF