After the first The Swiss Alpine Archaeology Summer School 2018 took place at the Oberhalbstein valley, the Universities of Bern and Zurich are organising the second Summer School 2019 together with the Archaeological Department of the Canton of Valais.
The SISA in 2019 will be about Alpine landscapes, geology, mineralogy and ores, copper production, prospection & excavation methods as well as social and economic systems in an Alpine area. It comprises invited keynotes for specific topics and teachings on methods, applications, and models. Lectures and practical fieldwork take place in one of the archaeologically most promising high alpine region of Switzerland, the Binntal Valley.

SAT 6 July
Arrival of participants and lectures
Accomondation in Binn/Ernen
SUN 7 July
09:00 Workshop, part 1
09:00-09:15 R. Turck, M. Brunner, C. Heitz, Ph. Della Casa. Introduction
09:15-10:00 Natalia Égüez, CAUK (Micromorphology, Geochem. analysis).The Geo-Ethnoarchaeology of pastoral herding in alpine deserthabitats
10:30-11:15 Christoph Schwörer, UBE (Palaeoecology) Impact of prehistoric farming on the vegetation in the Swiss Alp
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
11:15-12:00 Annekäthi Heitz, IPNA (Archaeobotany) Vegetation & Alpine farming in theBinntalfromtoday’sperspective
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 Workshop, part 2
13:30-14:15 Rouven Turck, UZH (Archaeology). Copper mining and smelting in the Oberhalbstein Valley (GR
14:15-15:00 Manuel Andereggen, Caroline Heitz UBE (AG Prospektion). The Binntal in (pre)historical times – What we know so far
Guided tour of the archaeological and ethnographic collections at the Regionalmuseum Binn (and to sites located near Binn) by Caroline Heitz
19:30 Dinner at ‘Restaurant Albrun’, Binn
MON 8 July
09:00 Workshop, part 3
09:00-09:45 Pierre-Yves Nicod, UGE L’abri-sous-roche de la Grande Rivoire (Isère, France): nouvelles données sur la néolithisation et le développement de l’économie pastorale dans les Alpes françaises du nord
09:45-10:30 Brigitte Andres, ADB (Heritage) Alpine huts, livestock and cheese. Remains of summer farming activities from medieval and modern times in the Bernese Alps (Switzerland
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 Philippe Della Casa, UZH (Archaeology) Landscape archaeological survey in mountain environments
11:45-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Workshop, part 4
14:00-14:45 Mirco Brunner, UBE, Ing. Anja Buhlke, KGT (Archaeology). “Goldene Sonne” reloaded. Historical sources and miningarchaeological investigation
14:45-15:30 Donat Fulda, ETHZ (Geology).Geology of the Binn Valley
15:30-16:15 Rouven Turck, UZH (Archaeology). Public relations Mediating alpine archaeolog
19:30 Dinner at ‘Restaurant Albrun’, Binn
TUE 9 July
09:00 field trip / excursion
9:00-17:00Mining and smelting sites in the Binntal and Längtal by P. Aeberhard
Meeting point: Parking Binn
Excursions will be organized by R. Turck & P. Aeberhard.
19:30 Dinner at ‘Restaurant Bärgkristall’, Fäl
WED 10 July
09:00 field trip / excursion
8:00-16:00 Alpine deserted habitations in the ‘Wissy’ and ‘Gand’ area, Binntal
Meeting point: Parking Binn
Excursion will be organized by C. Heitz & B. Andres
Departure of participants